"That is, the duke recovered, the country safe after it!" "Hard to say. A real peace, we must pray every day?" "Hush - not allowed to talk nonsense uggs discount store!" East Gate Wei whispered scold. After traveling through, wait for the East Gate Su Wei nodded, jumped out and light carriage vehicles resounds. While gallop to catch up after traveling the country, trailing to the palace district, Su light carriage vehicles can not move forward, had looked at the maid team lantern surrounded by canopy light carriage vehicles disappeared in the winding layers of communities in the palace. Yan unsolicited poor and weak, in addition to Wuliubainian the palace was quite impressive to create, the business community and political reform can not be home after the Warring States compared to the Central Plains. Thistle City, most people live in shabby old streets, stone houses puzzle very much, sometimes high room big house, not the government offices, foreign businessmen to open the passenger is blending. The moon is still in the hills, the city is sparse lights, pedestrians scarce. And Xianyang, beams, Linzi's bustling night market compared to thistle city is indeed a bleak night. There is no heat with Yanshan Qing style ugg discount store, people in the summer night added a bit cold. Su full of emotion, Xinmayoujiang wandering around the city in the thistle, and finally came to the apartment in front of a customer, was shocked to see the characters on the lantern - Los YAN JURANG. Name was very elegant, a question under the merchant is open Luoyang, is pleased to live down. Bleak night a visitor lodging, stores suddenly a pleasure. A moment, the shop owner out of each other tall uggs discount, is over sixty years old, although white-haired, but hale and hearty healthy and vigorous. A few pleasantries, that Su is old hometown Keguan East, has become far more friendly classic cardy grey ug, and immediately set up a small feast for the pro-Su welcome home. Number of years old have not been back to Luoyang, Luoyang earnest Please Su said the changes in detail. Su said something up to listen to the elderly feeling sadly and said: "hehe King City, poorer than before, my generation unworthy Zuxian Yi!" "I question the elderly, but the old Zhou royal family?" Su know, probably all week Luoyang Room tribal people. Apart from this Su Shang descendants of the very few people doing business. Descendants of the elderly is clearly not the kind of businessman Shang, down due to some misfortune is likely to be the royal family fled Luoyang children. Old silent, long, generously Yi Tan: "thistle Luoyang City, Ju Dou decline, Yun Zhou popularity has to do!" "Yan is a big country, how to decline? Appreciate further the teachings of their predecessors." Su Yan hear the heads of the situation is very, quickly respectful advice. "Sir, be aware, the beginning of King Wu of Zhou Yan is closed, call the public-seok of the founding monarch heads, which Yan is the only surnamed princes of the world and if weather revitalization Yan, Zhou or expected. However, Yan is CD to know happiness, do not think of revitalization, Zhao Qi has been pushed to the border corner, yet I do not know distress. monarch ill and sickly, eyeing Prince, courtiers fear, and the huge thistle city, no one really hard to describe also the mainstay of. " Su was surprised to see the old people, old people more believe no ordinary businessman, wondering asked: "just into the city, see the country and go after praying for the monarch, were all praise. Predecessors think?" "Kill Luoyang most important matter, Yanshan the Xihu buried." Elderly to heavy sigh classic tall ugg boots according to this, "this is a royal princess ugg boots discounted prices Tang thought, after the country, the righteous cause of a brain, since your married Yan, want to help the rise of royal princes, the rebirth of the Zhou Dynasty. Can Since Yan into the country after not a multi-Careers, anti-clash with the powerful minister, should succeed in vain. Yan public fell ill, the country is even more difficult after the. people know Yin CD triple bailey button ugg boots sale, I do not know its difficult but also the final analysis, does not woo or days Zhou also! " Su mind while fever grey yarn ugg boots, can not help but blurt out: "But the older generation after the country with support?" Old silent a long time: "What has this question, Mr.?" "Grateful this country after the older generation: Luoyang into Su Yan." Take a look at Su elderly people, quietly nodded without a word to ask. Su night sleep, mind flashed twice and Yan Ji peek into the scene, suddenly aware of many doubts, but doubts have arisen in many minds. Yan Ji's not unusual for female officer, was actually the princess royal, which he has not unexpected. As a princess, please marry Yan save weeks since, but he did not expect. In his mind, one day their children to marry Zhu Hou Guojun official, regardless of fate, are helpless desolation. That beautiful white figure in green, the so seared in his mind, can not say with whom he was deeply distraught irrelevant. Holds many lessons come to think of themselves onto the altar was originally Yan Ji, to save their own destruction to the decline of the royal clan. A woman's feelings are so extraordinary, indeed, Su eyebrows. Many generous people in the Spring and Autumn tragic, like any celebrities, like Su, Zhong bitter anger of those solitary hero, all have deep respect. Today, a hidden inside a wall in the old woman, even a solitary loyalty is so bitter anger of celebrities Heroine, how can we not teach him with emotion. Having said that cheap mini uggs, had met up in the Hangu Pass, Yan Yan Ji asked him to enter, when she had deliberately Careers. Why only then can gently ask, and even a positive request did not? What respect his choice? Why she did not like him as a useful Magi, by all means to win over even the force? Glimpse, Ren away, this is a talented woman prosperous as it? Perhaps only one reason to explainbut, Su do not want to think about as - this is only illusory phantom ugg boots classic short, but remnants of the dream in their mind, vaguely. ?

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