What, then, history can not be assumed, after all, went to Zhao. Weiwei Zhao flapping in the wind strong collapse, during which all the mysteries hidden so that future generations interminable endless. Death of six-nation is the history of China's most important watershed era. During the reasons, there is more history to explore. Han Jia Yi "the Qin theory" and the demise of the six countries will be the demise of the Qin Empire because, attributed to "the offensive and defensive potential differences also." Tang Du Mu's "Metrical Fu" then says: "those who destroy the six countries, six countries have non-Qin also. Family who Qin, Qin also, non-world also." Xun Su Song's "six" theory is another saying: "Six burst, non-negative soldiers, war poor, the downside of bribe Qin. bribe Qin and power loss, the road has burst!" son of Su Xun Su Zhe of the "six" theory uggs discount code 2011 suddenly, the death will be attributed to the six strategic mistakes that fight a small profit for the six countries to kill each other, resulting in the state of Qin Han Wei won occupy the hinterland of the Central Plains ugg boots for women, the six countries is not anti-Qin Genji and perish. Qing Li Zhen's "six" theory, in turn attributed to the death of six-nation not to insist on creating vertical and Su Qin Gang Qin way. Even many historians and scholars of the demise of the Qin Empire monographs reason, the six countries discussed joint destruction, in general are the reasons of such surface. Unless stopped gucci outlet online shopping Can not wait to look like, which were the most sparkle head, than the poet Du Mu first proposed the root causes of the demise of the six countries will be reduced to six countries themselves, will be attributed to the demise of the Qin Empire Qin Empire's own kind of historical methodology. This is the internal theory. Internal factors is fundamental. Although follow this method minnesota vikings women s jersey, on the ancient history to discover the root is still not home, and then after all of these may well be insight. Offensive and defensive trend Ye Hao, Ye Hao Qin bribery discount ugg classic, strategic mistakes or not to execute vertical Ye Hao, after all uggs boots canada, are real specific reasons. What, then, what are the root causes of internal? Shanxi Han Zhao Wei's death, is the beautiful Zhuang Sheng Zhongyuan Huaxia civilization to the beginning of the collapse of the form of dispersion. Historically, the collapse of the entire Chinese civilization has a unified country and re-integration in the sense of regeneration do cardy uggs keep yo, with the heroic history of beauty. What, then, looked from the fate of the nation's perspective, Shanxi's death is clearly exposed the fragility of its political base. In other words, Shanxi political framework upon which civilization is greatly flawed. This defect, its appearance is the same: political reform is not complete, the state does not have the incentive in the form of a powerful social force. What, then, why is this? Why Shanxi, Shandong and even the six countries, can not occur, such as Qin thorough political reform in general? Qin did not have a political civilization of the major shortcomings? Hidden in the answers here, is the demise of the six countries where the real mystery. In fact, any tribal nation to establish a country constitute the framework of its civilization, its acts of state characteristics are determined by the family of long tradition and determined by the traditional cognitive ability. The traditional family of the formation, survival depends on more distant environment, and in this unique environment experienced by the transformative events. This major event through the living environment and the traditional temper, once established, it is genetically human life, such as genetic generations, it will always be life forms resembling a mysterious axis along a continuation of the vertical is the rise and fall of ups and downs, it will not trajectory from the inner mystery. Only in this way, the traditional tribal clan of their decision to establish the state of mettle. Zhao's family of human tradition, courage and gas impatient, strong and still chaos. Zhao and Qin were the foundation of ethnic people of the same, but different historical outcome. This is yet another historical mystery. Qin Zhao family of the key, is "still chaos" word. What is chaos? "Historical Records? Zhao family," recorded in Korea Jue said Tuan Gu made the most clearly defined, Han Jue says: "jump to punish that chaos." Classical politics, this is the political chaos of the most brilliant explanation. In other words, Wang Sha is chaos. What Wangsha? First classic tall ugg boots, do not report unauthorized killing of political opponents king, the other not to lynch law degree and revenge. Wangsha marked the beginning of the wind, at the national temples, is unstoppable wind mutiny coup, uprising at every turn in order to plot the killing political opponents the way, in order to escape political difficulties, or to achieve certain political views clear resistance. 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