Dear readers note that this text can easily be seen as three stone singing the praises of the speech, at the expense of historical truth true account of its historical value. Qin later historians on the history of research, at least neglect Langye stone text in the two sets of facts: One is "the amount of equipment a" sentence. The so-called equipment, Yi Jia weapons also; so-called one volume, uniform shape size weight requirement. The fact is that the text in a unified Qin unified weights and measures, etc., there is a unified randy moss minnesota vikings jersey not to mentio, unified force that is equipped with the shape and weight scales. In many historians (including military history, weapons history and other special history) and the intellectuals of the knowledge found in all standard equipment that weapons Yi Jia is from the Song Dynasty, because the ancient art of war, only the scheduled Song "by Wu always "provides a variety of weapons the size of the weight. Standardization of weapons and equipment of the Qin Empire purple uggs boots there were three, past the usual argument is that no historical data set, until the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses in contemporary archaeologists found a lot of size, weight, shape the same arrowheads, had just raised the idea. In fact, Langye sets the text in the stone, "a volume of equipment" is that it is accurate historical data. Moreover gucci outlet stores, the inscriptions will be "a volume of equipment" and "with the text book" side by side, showing its importance. "Historical Records? Emperor of the century? Justice" on the interpretation of this provision is: "to say within the device, armor pocket iron pot of the genus. Outside into said mechanical, Ge Mao Gong Ji of the genus. A volume by the same measure also." Within the meaning of meaning Han is very clear. But for various reasons do cardy uggs keep yo, been overlooked and not recognized as a historical make nothing. The second is "Liu Qin with Paul, and finally no Zeikou." Fierce criticism of contemporary people, mostly even sit in the Qin political system ugg boots for women, almost no historians or scholars make the system even sitting at the time of practical significance. This is a home to show us the actual interpretation of the Qin Empire: even sit the practical significance of the system, "Liu Qin with Paul," the actual effect is "no end Zeikou." In other words, from the law in wartime even take control of the Qin system, each move made by the crime, and to work together to prevent crime, then the tribe's goal of protecting their loved ones with each other. Effect for society as a whole, there is no crime, and naturally there is no Zeikou this criminals. Because the actual results uggs boots uggs usa, after the Qin unification of China, not only did not even take the system abolished, but is pushed to the Chinese. Since the Qin Dynasty, the later system of intermittent and always follow the guilt can not be completely discarded, it should be said, the practical effect of this has played a decisive role, particularly in wartime society. Hunting is big in the latter part of the coastal trip, Lu Xu, and several other students alchemist first letter to the emperor uggs discount code 2011, extremely solemn and said there are three mountain in the sea: Penglai, abbot, Chou, home of the fairy on the request to carry children boy female sea Immortality. From a side said the Emperor to visit the sea discount ugg cardy bo, seeing the magnificent distant purple uggs boots, distant on the spread of rumors in the sea can not be completely cents refused to believe, even take the time unmentionable disease Emperor Ying Zheng has always attack, then the permission of the LU Sheng Xu Please, allow the planning to the sea Immortality. On the other hand, at which time more than six nobles have fled uggs women, many to escape to the island are descendants of the nobility hidden; Emperor Ying Zheng alchemist Immortality is entirely possible to nominal, capable scout sent the sergeant on guard into Immortality, in order to hiding the true nobility of the case survey. Hunting the third largest in the Emperor 20 years (218 BC), when he was Ying Zheng 42. Hunting the big line is: Xianyang - Three River County (in the assassination of Yang Wu Bo Lang Sha) - Jiaodong County - The Fu Shan - Lang Ya platform - back through the Hengshan - Scripture Party - West crossing Qin. From time to read, is a mid-spring (February) starting around the beginning of winter go around Qin, also Kankan year. The last big Hunting closely linked with its mission in general is much the same with last. Emperor arrived in the second beach, board of Fu Shan, leaving the two stone text, its content and Yishan stone similar. Hunting the big thing in the maximum occurs, is a three-Chuan Wu County, Bo Yang County section of the assassination of the emperor sand wave events. This event was seen in the history of truth: the old Han Gongzi Zhang ambush Road side of the trenches to bring Lux, pounds 120 to hurl large iron disc car Emperor Ying Zheng, the results of errors in the Vice-car, assassination attempt. At the time, criminals escape and hide, the truth has been unknown. Hunting for the emperor Ying Zheng ordered a 10 in four weeks, did not track down the criminals. ?

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