"Gouzhi not eat!!" Item Yan angry, rushed to the capital overnight Colts Fakie see Chu. Dawn burst on the scene, has always been strong and humble entry to swallow his face ashen with a team of elite swordsmen charging into King City. Huangde negative Chu Chu did not wear a crown, distributed barefoot dressed in gowns and hurried out. Yan uncharacteristically high-handed items, site and vowed to confront Chao's informant, if unsubstantiated, false accusations were beheaded king immediately girls uggs boots, otherwise the entries against the state of Chu's! Negative Chu pale, apart from anything else ordered a King City Lang Yin Chao's Zhuolai that informants and confront Needless to half an hour minnesota vikings jerseys cheap, the informers themselves sword pierced the throat. Negative Chu Chu said, who the informant is true, the royal family sent survey is false, and she's jealous items, how can we not understand the first item Yan military power? Jiangdong Jun hysteresis not before, the king also hiding something also! After dawn gucci outlet handbags, negative Chu Chu has also summoned immediately, several clans have the Minister, when Hall stated no coalescence item's chaotic move to seek private soldiers, the latter if more reports, site punishment. Item Yan cold chill, when the Hall of dense then declared: "If the item's attempt to make chaos, Qinjun Nan is the time to the next! Why Gang Qin self-injury? If forced entry's counter-man-Chu, the item's does not necessarily anti! Item's anti-Chu, the first anti-knife who forced me to kill it! national crisis, the royal family does not Guchu Guo Han, Xiang Chu's what count?! " Declaration Zhefan chill and windy, so Chu's entry all the temples of the false rumors disappeared. Key point to understand the truth Yan, clans everywhere in the race to erode the state of Chu, the blind loyalty to the country not only does not help, and the scourge of genocide kill the body, if too self their country, they must have timely and appropriate bullying, or nothing . What, then, a few months back to Ru Yin shogunate cheap minnesota vikings jerseys, Huainan, or delays in the military and Jiangdong Jun arrived, more than reason enough to allow entry Yan dumbfounding. In desperation, only to make the most incompetent item Yan's planning a. One of the most important thing is to Express will make the second son of monotonous out Jiangdong Jun Xiang Bo, who taught Xiang Bo Yan secret order items to return Jiangdong, the item's manor to bring all the eight thousand sons of the Ru Yin, and then incorporated into the City carefully selected and Chen Jun Yong eight thousand strong, to be lieutenant-based Xi��ng Li��ng Xiang Bo, compiled a team of elite priorities backbone available. Dear readers attention, manor army, is not the Central Plains and the Warring States Chu unique kind, therefore had to be accountable. Chu cover all three out of the testimonies of the military, there is a Central Warring States no longer exists the potential military power, this is the seal of the aristocratic family of so-called strong brave sons of the Lord. Study In fact, this is the seal and other sons of the owners to set up their own private financial resources to the military, as many thousand, ranging from several thousand, sophisticated weapons ugg discounts, Yi Jia forage abundance, or even stronger than the actual combat power Bangguo Military. Chu has not really been abolished private soldiers, the fundamental reason lies in two: one, Chu Guoyuan mountain tribes in the relatively closed founding, they uphold the traditional manor system cheap girls ugg boots right, also has a relatively intact with the private into the military The foundation is always present; Furthermore discount ugg mini boo, the vast expanse of rugged mountains and Chu, many tribes, were scattered in a dangerous mountain evil water, customs vary widely, so the upheaval have more, but once the turmoil spread, often beyond the reach of the Nationalist government army, aristocratic private soldiers are in fact as to protect fiefdoms and eventually destroy the social upheaval of the main force. King Xiang of Chu are times, has shocked the world a place of "violence Ying Zhuang Ji," the chaos, if not the aristocratic private soldiers all over the state of Chu, Chu is likely to be volatile in this whole nation perished. The Zhuang Ji, Chu was originally the South Dongting County General. The time, out of a village's tribal village celebrities Sim, running vertical Gang Qin, Chu Ming Chen a moment. Later, the old aristocratic family marginalized by Chu King Xiang who were are jealous, Zhuang Xin Zhao was forced to flee. Still later, the war Qin defeated Chu, Chu want to re-join the Central Plains from the vertical, are King Xiang Zhuang Xin was forced to recall again. Zhuang Xin returned to "mantis stalks the cicada, I do not know oriole in the post" as the metaphor move Chu, then re-running vertical political leader. Who would have thought the old clans are constrained by the King Xiang, Xin Zhuang ousted again minnesota vikings 50th anniversary jersey, and significantly reduced the village's manor. Although it is unclear whether the birth of what during the planning, but he could not have Zhuang Xin is not associated with this matter, I fear, is the village's tribal village among the top generals, led the rebellion of thousands of soldiers with the tribe. Zhuang Ji first move uprising is led by soldiers posing as ordinary people of mixed Ying Du, agitated and then large-scale capture of government offices, looting killing the old aristocratic family mansion do cardy uggs keep yo, and surrounded the King City. Suddenly plunged into chaos throughout the Ying Du, Chu government and shocked. This so-called "Zhuang Ying Ji violence" also. Later, gradually gather in the division under siege, Wang gucci outlet online shopping and whispered, Ying Du Chong Ji, leading his men were forced to withdraw, but hurricane-like kill to drain, then swept south Chu, Xiang occupied zone. Later, the Ministry of gallop miles Zhuang Ji, South Vietnam Five Ridges, occupied Yunnan, the then king number, and self-reliance as Bangguo. After the founding of less than about wealth and goods, Zhuang Ji and shuaibing north, once again swept the Xiang River. Chu temple deep fear of the earthquake, had pursued his troops besieged several times, because the army can not be in high mountains and rivers and lakes in the capture of the village among the top military decisions based on Smart, every time Lao Shi reactive. At this time, the clans to grab their own fiefdoms without killing, then spontaneously to have a private army besieged, and it took more than ten years, Chuang Ji riot and its aftermath side subsided. ?

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