Out of the shogunate, the young King of Qin did not speak with any of the generals, but also to stop the military Sima will be declared in the program etiquette, went ahead to set out a steady rise only to the top of Kankan flush with the shogunate cloud cars, high-pitched strong Qin sound will reverberate up indignantly: "the soldiers, I was Qin Ying Zheng! the king know, the first battle defeated army, the soldiers want to know how I am the King of Qin said, otherwise everyone uneasy. Only in this way, the king Chang Ming to speak today, belongs to only three. The first one, victory or defeat is standard issue! that there was no injury on Hu Zhao shut with defeat, the whole nation rather have long flat third victory? the war, general plan no difference, soldiers third fight to the death, non-gratuitous defeat deserved the second sentence, with rival Qin womens ugg boots 2011, great! Mu-side forces in the success of our military assault under no aware, the division also serves as Qin! Qin Li Mu and then to win division Li Mu, is invincible! the third sentence, the same strategy Qin established outside the customs or the customs army army, where the fall, where to get up!! " The black silence of the jungle, Qin soldiers were tears looking forward to the King of Qin to go on. Ying Zheng was stopped short, step down the cloud car. It proudly in the King of Qin, between the old oath roar of thousands of troops suddenly broke out, such as rolling drumbeat ugg womens "veteran thought, such as Shen Lei womens uggs on sale, such as the vast roar, Jiang Zuo soldiers were almost shouting himself hoarse, long chu dispersed in school do not want the military field. As night fell, the shogunate together to start the meeting hall of the monarch. Scott received a battlefield in the hardships came after the horse, the heavy state of mind was to be added. In Yuanmen estuary, Lisiqiaqia heard the King of Qin soldiers of the armed forces, said the generosity of the heart under took a deep sound though, but it has not to speak. He is a cynical old Huan tortured sad shame that some ignorant, I do not know how to iron her face clenched teeth. WANG Jian Tu Ju and left the military generals touches calm as usual, chu Zhao board in the motionless figure before, but it also has not spoken. "The General, under the fat of the land appropriate for ambush it?" Ying Zheng a while wandering around, finally breaking the silence. "No, not." WANG Jian is clearly addicted to being in deep thought. "You say not, why it should be a Li Mu?" "The so-called minister should not be based on the art of war is concerned." WANG Jian has been recovered, pointing board road map, "Look at the monarch, which is Hengshan County, Shigemi Nanliu from the northwest to over, Hu water from west to east flow, two pools of water south of the junction of Niigata is Feicheng, Feicheng of fat under the South collectively. here a radius of hundred miles, foes in low and mountain plateau, mostly flat uneven said that steep hill is not steep, in addition to ordinary forest gucci outlet sale uk, a canyon without danger ugg womens boots, nor Pass arteries. based on the art of war, it is enough that the odd dangerous place. What, then uggs women and said, happens in such unusual areas, Li Mu was able to hide more than ten thousand troops launched a surprise attack, the mystery, the minister said that the difficult moment . " "How old general thought?" Ying Zheng calmly got into a major. "Oh! It is not very surprising under the fat, gutter capsize!" 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Since the entry of outside Scott Camp, see the King of Qin military has been known, it has not been talking. Most important reason is that, Scott had the strategy's full support internal and external forces were divided, and never doubt Qin combat power, there is no war could even think of a small partial division defeated, and no thought of defeat if the customs then how? As Eliot, is the total national policy planners, Scott can not help but contemplate from the global. Heads of local failure, welling up in Scott's mind is: Is it because of the partial loss and change the overall plan? Specifically, the plan's five-year period to refresh the state of Qin is short? Qin Junbing force and will be, if not divided into two armies? If you continue to fight for Zhao, was continued by customs when alone or combined military force to go to war effort? Zhao thought the war seems, actually it involves a "one world" how long policy Wei global strategy. Li Si short, is not very familiar with the military. Science Museum in the hills then, will they be disciples of Xunzi Comment on Reese's comment was: "Sri Lanka's government only a few have more than Lord Shang. However, the only aspect of the military strategists can, with Su Qin and Zhang Yi not carry on!" In other words, Su Zhang Yi quite know soldiers, Scott even "quite know" soldiers can not. Law and politics, so-called celebrities known soldiers, non-means it can truly famous, but to compete on the brigade soldiers have a feeling. This feeling may be learning with knowledge, then it is based on a more natural intuition. If the military commander learned words to Scott's learned by rote, soldiers debate about unusual goes without saying. However, to truly take the lives of thousands of non-commissioned officer of the army and fight the global plan, Scott did not always feel the same as a thorough insight into the political affairs of military experience. Such as heads, Scott really did not see anything wrong with the original strategy uggs boots for women, What, then, in the war should not continue for Zhao will feel clue on this specific matter a lot, not a word of the break. In any case, as a central mastermind, he can not speak. ?

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