Yangshi Qi said: "This is how people wrap, somehow." "This is your honor, if not envy your status is, how can someone always wanted to replace your position." Shi Qi smiled, poured a glass of white wine to the three and. Three and then added: "you know she wanted you dead michael kors uptown astor, there is no danger." Shi Qi surprised, "Three, you're upset, I want to learn more of your conservation efforts." `" I do not deserve, I would like to ask you was true. " Then someone called her. Three and the head, was found to He Zhanyun. Then she removed a large shirt, leaving only a small vest. That figure of the good-looking, women could not help but call attention. She approached the three and, "Qi said I cuss the World?" "No matter." "You have preferred her to tell you, Yang Shiqi a very dark side." Three and looked at her, smiled, "Now you say bad things about her had." Show goes quickly smile apologetically, "Right, let alone people of non-chat, we talk about other topics, how do you see in this industry?" Three and think: "gorgeous, gorgeous, fun, but, like the worship of youth, to see in this room and out the average age of staff may be only 26, can be severely seize a good time." Show goes sadly: "You're nice." Three and suddenly remembered Mr. Wang told his neighbor, see everyone gathered in the backyard, they rang him. Mr. Wang immediately over. Three and a digital camera for his photo shoot better. Mr. Wang is not the mouth smile, did not sound price thanks. Lobster would soon dispersed. The next day three, and print photos, sent to Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang again thanks, he pointed Hezhan Yun said: "Yang Shiqi more beautiful." He is not a fan, three and odd question: "Who needs these photos?" Wang slumped, "Three and You're smart, you stuff everything concealed my daughter and granddaughter Xujiu Mo to visit three a day I have no intention on the phone talking about the neighbor is a film, and their interest to , the next day asking for details, I was flattered ������������" The poor elderly. "Great granddaughter like Wang Xingwei, he is really very handsome, good-looking was not real and you do, three, and that you like?" Three and quipped: "I like you, Mr. Wang." Wang Oh laugh. "Mr. Wang michael kors mk5128, remember, these photos only your personal use." "I understand, three and." The next day michael kors brookville, three dogs, and still get up early to go out jogging. She went under the big tree, look to the sky, and then surrounded find that big Dane, but not see it anyway, she ran home. Three and a huff. Old, she thought, the past can not only run down endless, and now has a mile legs and knees. Rich but around her barking. She said to them: "to see who the fastest home, 123 run." Then one person two dogs, adequate bolted. Arrived home, three and boom soon Zuodao the ground. Some people say: "Three, you come back, nice, waiting for you." Looked up, turned out to be real nice like the Wang Xingwei. "Looking for me?" Three and refers to his chest. "May is to find you, and show the world Qi cloud strained, do not give, hid upstairs, do not want to start, only you can persuade them to change their mind too." "I? I am not familiar with them." "Just because unfamiliar, they will listen to one or two, her two disagree, even the director are ignored." "How the matter?" Three and curiosity.


"There are two costumes, one an original, but the World Qi and show each other that the passage of the cloud suddenly felt a lot better, blame the eccentric director, refused to make clothes, the director also hopping and refused to change clothes on the substitutions." Three and Da mouth, "as a piece of clothing?" Wang Xingwei laughed michael kors tortoise watch, "two have always had the heart." Three and said: "All the other pieces of good sense, put on the exchange, not on the line." "Three michael kors bikini, day light your world, not the same as her two great movements, clothing does not close." "Ah, that is true." "Ququan a few." "If it bear fruit?" "Only substitutions." Three and asked to help guide: "Where are they?" "In the upstairs rooms." Three and think, "I first went to the World Qi." She went into, I saw the World Qi cross-legged in the room in which to meditate.


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