Xunzi scholarship, has always been informal an absorbing, or controversy ugg australia discount code, or the text has always been informative, because people never waste words. Master of Confucianism Confucius remarks ugg discount, quoted Xunzi is a lot, even in many cases will be no shortage of ancient sages Confucius and tied. Yili respected for his Legalist, Xunzi is truthfully refuted its shortcomings, never gratuitous maintenance. With these two pretext, a group opposed to the Confucian Xunzi also against opponents, he abruptly became a Confucian Xun Zi said. Over time actually Zhongkoushuojin, even knowing that Xunzi essence of the new law a group home Legalist celebrities, will become Xun Zi said, "Confucianism also has law." Is agreed with the many theory scholar Xunzi will also Xunzi as "Confucian teacher Chong Law." All in all, dreams of Xunzi actually being said abruptly became modeled after the Confucian, not legalism, but not the new law at home! If the only source of bias in the division ugg discount gently taking the bare slender, not to really care about Xunzi down. These claims often happens is the intention of distorting the doctrine of Xunzi, dying of the Confucian scholar who is carried away as a shield to Xunzi, they frequently say Xunzi "lead from Zhong Ni, Long benevolence, an exercise I learned after the master is also the Confucian ! " Xunzi calmly dished out the "Confucian effect" articles, like Paodingjieniu, Confucian calm and carefully made a special liquidation, and appropriately the greatest difference between himself and the Confucian outlined. "Confucianism effect" articles will be divided into the Suru Confucian scholar, Yaru, Daru three: Suru who, "with every light clothing (wearing Kuanpao beam with a wide belt), crab Ke its crown (wearing a crab-like intermediate high and low sides crested), slightly chaotic method kings and foot (superficial to yell kings of the old rhetoric some method to random people), learn complex surgery wrong, I do not know, after the king and a system of law also! "elegant scholar," Long etiquette to kill poetry and literature, that economic laws can not teach the less, the arrival of the smell, you know not like also. framed within not from outside the non-self-deception, fear of law and not lazy Zunsian proud. "great scholar" Law kings, ritual system, a system to hold this ancient, Gou virtue and the like also, although not in the birds being black if white! "three Confucian scholar, Suru pretentious, vain chaotic evil; Yaru learning insufficient to cover the method to teach, but actually just a group of honest people; Daru, which is the Confucian master figure, it is entirely for the political doctrine of "law kings" same old, is also mixed in among the black and white birds can be identified! And Daru's "Law kings," compared to Xunzi repeatedly for his political ideas - "Law for the king, a system, Fuji, after King! One hundred, says that less than after the king, not to listen too!" This Xunzi in the most simple way to the flourishing world: kings of Confucian Law (follow the old system), their method after the king (to follow the trend of political reform when the world), Xun Kuang and Confucius are the Confucian utterly different! Since then, Xunzi Cheng of the world Shihlin loner. Later, Xunzi from wandering to the Qin Zhao, wandering to and from the Qin Chu, Lan Ling finally rooted in the foundation. It was after World War II in the Qin Zhao Changping, Xinling Jun guest in Handan, and Pingyuan Handan were invited to create science Palace Xunzi stay. Xunzi the six countries who have been deeply disappointed with the wind, then again to politely refuse the. Xinling Jun's life more by suspicion slander, for Xunzi mind deeply appreciate, not only not persuaded, and have actually put themselves in the Xunzi dollars, will recommend to the Chunshenjun Xunzi solemnly. Statement by the Xinling Jun, the vast Chu ugg discount "Do not be afraid, who has hidden Monash wind, not strongman Chunshenjun elegance King Yin meaning, so it is Xunzi master Wanjing educating people of the land. Xunzi vicissitudes, Xinling Jun said deep their preference, they immediately south of the. Government and the public the right to dump into the Ying Du Chunshenjun personally Jiaoying Xunzi. Welcome home after Chuaichaxutan Jie Feng, Chunshenjun asked Xunzi efforts toward the officer in school? Xunzi leisurely smiles: "night school and educating people, but did find one landscape study hall, they die can be also!" Chunshenjun surprise, thought a moment said: "Oh yeah, I recommend Mr. Chu has been on Qing, which is what to do? "Xunzi generously laughed:" There is more for those who carry on the Qing! for the old lady who, after all, one ear! Jun is also appropriate since. "Chunshenjun laughed:" Oh Yeah is it! on Qing Chu has three, all of them vanity Paul meters it! had also wanted to hang on, Mr. Qing, Ying Du, live the good news! "Chunshenjun ponder while smiling and said:" Mr. Wen today words, it is dirty where the temples official. do not say, only to Mr. Huang Xie is a good place! " ?

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