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Most notably, this stone Man who is the first comprehensive review of the six countries of the loss of political tyranny: "six times the king post, greedy and brutal fierce pride, mobilize people to self-reliance. Tyrannical unbridled line, negative power and arrogance, the number of moving hoplite. pass between the yin to do together from uggs discount boots, the provision of behavioral side. "for the first time made a positive cause of the six countries Qinmie and purpose:" to seek fraud interior, foreign invasion side, then from the disaster calamity. Yi Wei vocal, exterminate put out violent rebellious, chaotic thieves perish. "This is clear to the people of Shandong, but also a warning for the restoration of forces - the six countries are self-destructive, non-Qin also no way! Then, a relatively comprehensive review of the German state of Qin weathering vulgar political side, lists all the great order of peace and harmony of good performance. 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