To this yellow card hanging here two weeks, greatly they do come to see the preparation of the golden card and. _ / _

Greatly asked my group, have announced in my column, my back may not hurry to trouble greatly to see looked at the evening study hall and then update the ToT. Message I will get back home ~

The twelfth chapter of the red satin Park
Light clothing.
His smile grew thicker and the girl becomes more and more surprised.
At this time, Xiao Ying Luo took the opportunity to ask: Little girl with the delicate voice said: The Han short clothes grabbed her hand, light Woliaoyixia hold her up.

Xiao Ying Luo said: Girl said: Korea light clothing so that the little girl sitting on his arm, looking for the girl's mother.

I do not know when, walking people have gradually stopped and behold, have to here it seems.
People's attention has always been stuck in his face did not move away.
But for a long time, has been muzzled quietly discussing what.
Girls cheeks pink as peach.
Even the eyes of men are filled with the color of envy.

A girl wearing a bright yellow clothes came and said: One of the words, many women are eager to.
Han light clothing politely smiled, did not speak, it has already indicated that the meaning of the rejected.
The women have been looking forward to look dim down.

Xiao Ying Luo said: Korea light clothing nod has been given to that little girl feel at ease in the eyes.
The little girl did not seem anxious.
The lotus root-like hand wraps Korea light clothing white neck, the soft hair on his skin Simo.
I see her she stick to their own mother did not so much.

For a little while, the little girl whispered: The Han light clothing Minzui the smile, gently shaking his head.
I said: Girl strabismus at me,

What the hell, the nasty little girl!
Lin Yu Huang people actually give the children look down on a small fart!
Fortunately, the Korean light clothing is not speech, or Se Mimi little girl may have been wrapped for decades.
The dead girl seems to have the sensor I stare at her Conversely, actually raised his head and stared back at me.
I was so angry stomach pain.

This is not enough.
She lifted her head, a pair of nasty dead hand clutching the neck of the Korean light clothing.
Kissed his face Korean short clothes touched his face, smiling at her.

I'm sure the Korean light jacket is a pedophile!

Drifting across a gloomy voice in my ear.
I jerked his head around to see the look of Zeixiao Xiao Ying Luo.

My eyes turn, blue, cloud White.
Xiao Ying Luo hand hit me: I stared: I forgot the Korean light clothing is not deaf.

Light clothing Han turned his head and looked at me everywhere soft.
The handsome face of hanging flower-like smile.
My heart is suddenly, like what to suppress the whole thing, dry cough two channels:
Xiao Ying Luo a small channel in my ear: I bite the teeth, mouth emitting a fixed: better than some people, the tomboy. Xiao Ying Luo mercilessly stomp:

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