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I opened the door for her, "Si Long 11" Her index finger on my lips. "Hush." I looked at her blankly. She said: "See you tomorrow." Turned away. I closed the door, Xiaoyu standing behind me. The small print also powerful sound cold than adults, such as a day to judge the world is not an angel. "Who is she? Her to do what?" "Xiaoyu, you know her, that chess superb aunt." "I know her." Ruthless he said. "Xiaoyu, please point your cooperation." I begged, "She is daddy's friends." "Daddy's friend uggs earmuffs sale, not my friend," he said. After dinner I took him to walk in the park. We have come a long road. Xiaoyu is very silent. I used to suspect that they do not grow old kids uggs sale usa, and now they mature overnight, but I changed the embarrassment of green apple. "Xiaoyu, aunt Huichang Lai Si Long after our family." Xiaoyu without looking up, "Why?" "Because she wants to take care of us." "Why should she care? Mother to take care of us is not it?" "Mom is not with us now live." "Why?" He saw my soul go. "Daddy and mother separated." I said, "We will divorce." "Because my mother have done something wrong? I saw my mother cry." "Mom is not wrong, is wrong daddy." I said, "But daddy had to do." "I do not like this aunt came to our house." Xiaoyu is very honest. "She will have you well." "I do not like her." "Before, when she was playing chess with you, you like her." I reminded him. He outright. "I think a small universe." He said. "You do not see for several days before a small universe." I said. "Mom said I have a sister," he asked, "What is your name?" "Daddy has not thought of." I said. "Mom said, called the Little lonely, she will be very lonely." Xiaoyu told me calmly. As a shock to me, speechless. Separated for a long time, both the moon rise in the ranks, I asked Xiaoyu, "If daddy get married again, you will be happy?" "If we get married with my mother, I will, if not my mother, I will not." Xiaoyu said. I said: "No mother." "Then I would not be happy." He is very unhappy womens uggs boots for sale, meal kicked dirt flying. Then good stare at me. Xiaoyu is not easy serving, he eat three meals a very picky. Uniforms to be ironed, shoes polished too sharp, clean up bags can not be left out of textbooks, exercise to do right, time to pay out. Daily with cold water and petty school. Very beginning when I used to, Silong help a lot in the end she is a woman. In this period I and Si You are not words, in the house met, but exchange a look, everyone's psychological burden too heavy, too strong a sense of crime uggs sale online, and did not expect to enjoy. The opportunity is there, for example, that there was a big rain, Xiaoyu Linde covered with wet back, refused to change clothes, eat ice cream sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons. I begged him half a day, he refused to compromise. I said: "Xiaoyu, now dad can only do two things, first, put your back to the grandfather grandma, so you changed clothes again, or else put you and beat until you docile, the two are not a good way. " Xiaoyu, or do nothing. The phone rings, he rushing to pick up. Usually at this time, Mei Juan would call him. He listened to three seconds, put down the microphone, said: "That woman looking for you." His voice was cold. "Xiaoyu, you -" I sighed, received a telephone call. Si Long bitter over there, said: "I know, do not blame the child eleven things to me over there?" "Yes, I want to see you." I said. Silong quiet for a while, "Well cheap uggs for sale, I'll come." I put down the phone, watching Xiaoyu, and today I know how stubborn kids are cruel. Rebels of the story is no longer moving, but a frightening fact - parents raise children down, no matter what happens, must be responsible in the end, the children did not ask to be born, so they will always prevail, that is the beginning of the parents fault. I then told Xiaoyu no clothes. Touches of his own reading cartoons, go shower, it was too late, and even lay a few sneezes, did not do their homework, hurried to bed. </ P>

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"Moreover, the memory is not complete." "I will accept the truth." "You two are very brave." "I have always told Yu Xiansheng learning." Day, Zuqi home, down on the bed without a word. The world's only truly love her pet her, do not remember who she is. She had called him disappointed, sad, her step low him, humiliate him, but in the end, he was all forgotten. Secretive world of such things. Yu packed to stay in the hospital, Chi a ward every day after school to do homework, to accompany him to do physical therapy. Zuqi stations than farther. But his sense of smell, he gently said: "I smell the scent of lavender, you coming?" Zuqi A: "Yes, I'm here." "Sit down." "You're welcome hot pink uggs for sale, I would call myself." "You can say a few words?" He sounds very lonely. "Of course." Zuqi approached. "Zu Chen said: we were already broke." He has apologized, "I must be carelessness, neglect of family life, not disappoint you." "Zu Chen said what?" "He is a gentleman, do not speak right and wrong." "Yes, good old ancestral Sum." He hesitated a moment, softly asked: "how well you long?" Zuqi smile uggs for sale online, "I am a beauty." Yu full house laughed, "Zuqi, you really interesting, with you, never feel bored." "Do not you believe?" Zuqi said. "I'm sure you looks graceful, amiable man." Yu said full house. Zuqi Jieshang Qu: "But you suspect is not a beauty." Yu Ce Zhaotou, apologized and said: "beauty with a handsome, why would you marry me?" Zuqi gently replied: "you a position of vulnerability, take advantage of, got what they wanted." Yu packed with trance, stricken to ask: "I was so despicable?" "No," Zuqi stand up and smile, "just as the man in appearance, I appreciate your ability." "Beauty, please nearer." Zuqi went up to him, he slowly stretched out his hands, stroked Zuqi cheek. A long while he said: "Yes, yes beautiful children." Zuqi laugh. "All the clothes puzzled partner with women serving in trouble are certainly beautiful." "You really generous." They laughed. Every moment he asked: "How do we know?" "In a dance." Zuqi lament. "Yeah I can not dance." Remember even this is not the impression of Pengzu Qi. "You do not dance." Zuqi gently said. "And then?" "You asked me to marry." "And then later?" "A misunderstanding between us, had to separate." Dr Kong came in and saw They talked and laughed, distress: "Ah Yu, you're lucky, his wife so considerate." Zuqi shame, "it should be." The doctor said: "thanks to you, patients who are calm, wait for recovery." Zuqi laugh, "Yeah, there is so much credit it?" Doctor towards a patient uggs kids sale usa, said: "Yu, the line between life you come back full circle, the body has been without problems, can go home and rest, I congratulate you." Yu is not packed with loud, clenched his hands, face endless desolation. Doctors to console him: "Although the vision impaired, the mind is as clear, strategizing, no problem." Yu bowed his head, frustrated, said: "a dark, speak, fear." Zuqi walked over, squat, said: "Please take heart." He took her arm, "Zuqi, do my eyes." Zuqi no excuses, "I will be here, do not worry, we are your eyes." Yu Ying tears packed in eyelashes. Mr. Ma came knocking at the door, he reported to the boss sitting business. Doctors at the side with the Zu Qi said: "Yu is really a Tough Guy, not blaming Heaven does not blame the people, not temper tantrums." Zuqi nodded bailey button uggs sale, "real men do not cry." "Mrs. Yu, you are very brave." Zuqi A: "He can live on very well." Doctors to leave the ward. While learning Chinese also came, holding a large stack of documents, detailed instructions, please sign full house depression. Zuqi joke: "Some are indentured, life after life, cattle and horses for me." Surprisingly, Yu raised his head is full house: "wish for, why is his mark?" They openly make fun of learning Chinese see, very surprised uggs sale kids usa, alas, such a situation, there a few years ago, but nice. But odd things so sudden, home of the death, suddenly transferred to a living. Yu asked the time: "brother, there is no school?" "Before lunch, how can there be so early." "The doctor said you could leave the hospital tomorrow." Mr. Ma ah cry, "I'll be the people that organize large class room." </ P>

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It Zheng Anping intended to be a warrior centurion only, youth will be immersed in the beam wandering the streets and marketplaces, fine alertness, led a group of spies scout touches in obtaining the director of Handan, spend money on information, communication plan Ju Fan all the rumors, down It is no small credit for the Qin Guoli. What, then, Zheng Anping they be, after all, little is dry, not once mention the soldiers experience war commander, but did not say military commander of the strengths. A Hangu Pass, Zheng Anping it dizzy, do not know go that way rush to the rescue. Cavalry general suggestions: Ministry Qin Wang He is most likely to be returned along Shangdang when Shangdang from Ye Wang into collusion. Also the general did not say nothing, generals, said it Zheng Anping suddenly have a proposition: "Zhao Shangdang into the arched, Anyang into Zhao bow, within easy reach half the distance! Messenger Armed Forces: Anyang line from Hanoi Handan!" 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He first met Zheng Anping, they found that guy is not genuine, it flatly refused to let his real job to do, General. How the king of the Octavia, actually do not see these people's Inferiority? How to Fan the large tert-only, recommend these people actually repeated heavy responsibility? His own grace, but to any newspaper of large Bangguo, anything these celebrities? First, since the white from the heart of the Fan Ju produced a contempt. Changping triumphant return back, it was told from the white, which is to be affected by Hou Qi Lu Zhonglian lobbying, high power and fear Wuan Jun Qin said the move caused. Bai Qi was strong disapproval: "the broken policy, differences are inevitable. So say, is a sinister heart of a gentleman's belly." In the white from the view, Fan Ju Grievance must be reported even if the heart had even hatred, then On the state, and also have always been magnanimous bright, how to give birth to such a dirty means? 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Six courtiers in the hall stood up brush, fell to his knees cried together: "the monarch, not ah -" Silver-haired Ganlong trembling: "the monarch of a country's king, how can we penniless? Please monarch to withdraw its proposal, Ganlong daughter is willing to offer!" "Zuoshu Zhang Qian would like to offer three hundred gold win, and the well-known Chi-day month sword!" "Eliot Jia Gongsun offer three hundred gold!" "Oak-yang that offer five hundred gold sub-shore, plus a well-known Ancestor soft!" "CUHK Fudu loved offer three hundred gold!" Jingjian crying: "monarch, Jing Jian knife coins only five hundred " Xiao of Qin stood quietly in the hall, not a drop of tears. He knelt again to the minister who bowed deeply: "So, win thanked you for the beam pipes. The doctor, please, the effect of you please." Sadly up to be ministers, he calmly told the Door, "black Bo, within today designated the special library, the Minister accepted the donations of you. 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