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Ning Rongrong nodded firmly, "can not and loved together, to God what is the point. Brother, you must keep this secret I was asked." Tang laughed and said: "Oh, you say this, but you can not regret it. Jermaine O'Neal, Rongrong, then you have heard it you can figure it out." "Ah?" Ning Rongrong surprised, eyes a turn michael kors gold handbag, just to see Oscar Zeitouzeinao drilled out from the foot of the mountain, but his face has become very strange at this time, looked at her blankly, slowly step by step slow walking, eyes flashing Shuiguang seems faint. Tang Ning Rongrong turned to look, eyes suddenly red, "Brother, how could you? You knew him, why I said those words do not stop you " He spoke, she ran over and shoved toward Oscar, Oscar went a few steps in front of the initiative into his arms, holding him tightly michael kors outlet store, softly: "Jermaine O'Neal, you, you do not misunderstand. I do not intend to deceive you, do not worry, I will not go pass that slander God's place, then I will always be with you, and so the days of fighting the Empire and the end of the war Wu Hun Empire, I'll marry you, OK? " Oscar bowed his head, looked blankly arms Ning Rongrong, choke the throat as if by something, say a word to. "Jermaine O'Neal, you do not scare me. Strength is not everything, and now we are also the titles Douro, ah! Promised me good, and so the war ended, to marry me, okay?" Ning Rongrong has been anxious cried out, tears flowing down along the haze. "Win Win " Oscar suddenly fiercely hugged the Ning Rongrong, "I am willing, I am certainly willing you are to me, always me, Rongrong, you are really good for me." In this time, Oscar has always been smart but can only say this straightforward language, the way they looked, Tang has been a smile filled his face, gentle eyes on his wife, underground passage in mind, a small dance to time, we married with them, OK? Ning Rongrong get Oscar's response, this relaxed a lot, take the initiative to send Fangchun, Oscar did not lose such a good chance, they kiss no one else up. Ning Rongrong has always been shy in front of everyone on the ground, there is little action and Oscar close, let alone kissed in front of such scruples. "Keke Are you going to publicly show it?" Zhu Zhuqing clear sound cool with a bit of joking that sounded from the side ArticleTitle # 8709, she finished cleaning the body, a clean change of clothes back. Lip points, Ning Rongrong shy head buried in the arms of Oscar michael kors gold handbag ah, "blame you, blame you, let them see him in it." Oscar chuckled and said: "Yes, yes, blame me, blame me for what does not work, however, Rong Rong, back to you that nine color goddess heritage should definitely be ah!" "What?" Ning Rongrong looked up to the Oscar, just relieved to face re-showing concerns of color, "Jermaine O'Neal, you do so, I said, I will not leave you." Oscar Hey smile, said: "Because you do not leave me, you only have to pass that nine color goddess of tablets ah! Oh, a small three have not had time to tell you, I have just your first step, is also a God knocks on your door in. He called Iron Chef. " Ning Rongrong Oscar looked blankly, blinked, then turned to see Tang, Tang looked at her innocent face, and said: "I did not say you are too anxious, not to me opportunity to say ah! O'Neal was the first title fight to become the soul of Law Department of the food division, in the spirit world has been narrowed to clear Iron Chef, I have not asked you what you do not accept the nine color to determine the future of heritage goddess? " "You, you, you necrosis." Ning Rongrong wake up until this moment, no wonder that Tang to make her case heard by the Academy, also called Oscar out. It is concerned about the chaos himself. ?

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Rose just smiled. Rehabilitation, said: "Do not go against with roses, to, call him soon." Finally we meet an Italian restaurant inside. Wen Fang Association foolish foolish brain came first, sit down, I have not had time to introduce, he suddenly directed at rehabilitation called: "Table aunt, you forgot me? I was co-text ah -" I said: "You got the wrong person." He also shouted: "Table aunt, I was still small, with Biaojiu you okay?" I suspect, turned to look at rehabilitation, her face was pale. Rose the other co-Wen shouted: "What noise?" Rose co-drinking parties to listen to his text cheap ugg shoes, suddenly wronged Debu out loud. I really do not taste, was going to reproach him a few words - Rehabilitation suddenly very calm, said: "co-text, I have separated you Biaojiu, not to mention the future." I "Huo" sound stand up, "Rehabilitation -" I like days of thunder and the top, "You - you -" Rose anxious discoloration, scolded party co-culture, "Hu chew what you maggot?" "I? I did not say what, this is obviously my aunt's table." Wen said Fang Association. I Bao He soon, "Shut up, shut your foul mouth! You go away, I do not look after all your face!" I rushed to grabbed his shirt collar, "You idiot!" I'm ruthless give him two hard slap in the face. His sharp, instinctively resist the pizza table and wine are overturned on the ground, surrounded by guests Dinglao we see. Rose screamed: "Brother bailey button uggs cheap! Brother!" Rehabilitation stand up, "I go ahead." I put the side agreement text shoved to the ground to catch up to the heart to tear fissure called: "Rehabilitation! Rehabilitation!" Rehabilitation has jumped into a taxi to go. I jumped onto the other one empty, the driver said: "catch up to, do not lose in front of that car." Driver said: "Jesus Christ, more and more people in the TV detective drama of the drug, who are you? Charlie Chan?" I did not sell it to him really cheap uggs, out of the car driving straight ahead, chasing live in rehabilitation cheap ugg boots women, I found that she turned back to the hotel, down the heart. I have been chasing her into the hotel, she seemed to calm down, standing on the elevator waiting for me. We entered the room, silent for a moment. I finally spoke to ask: "Have you ever been married." "Yes." "How long before the matter?" "Ten years ago." "Why do you never told me?" She does not ring. "You know I will forgive you," I raised his voice, "You know even if you are married, I will forgive you." She stood up and said to me: "What do I want you to forgive? I can not afford to have anything for you, want you to forgive? Everyone has in the past, which is part of my past, if you feel unhappy - too bad , you can find a great lady, but why should you forgive me? your mind is very confused - girlfriend is not a virgin, the understanding to go through in order to continue your great man, married his girlfriend, they have to trial before you - you think you are? you too are themselves too important to too large! " "You listen to me, Rehabilitation -" "I have listened to two years, Jimmy Wong, I feel very tired, you find another audience, and I quit." I stood there big mouth. She removed suitcase and began to pack up. "But," I asked, "But why do not you tell me?" "Because there is nothing to say, I was thirteen years old wrestling broken leg, and had never told you ..." "I am an independent adult, I am not your daughter, what told you, get your understanding and promised." Rehabilitation said. "You have been married, is a major event, as your husband, I have the right to know." "Everyone has some secret, why should you too much?" She brought luggage. "Do you where to go?" I said. "Back to Hong Kong, I did not resign, and I still waiting for my share of good to poor." "You have no nostalgia?" I am angry and sad. Her gentle smile, "we have too much between the different point of view." "You're so special, and rehabilitation." I angrily said, "Only you think this is trivial." "I'm sorry, Zhenhua cheap bailey button uggs, I do not need your understanding, because I insisted on their own, and has done nothing wrong." "But -" "Do not say, Zhenhua, we never fight, I do not intend to start now." </ P>

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