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Dragon sacred tree, although only a slap high, but bursting out of the brilliant but extremely gorgeous, Rays 10000, VERIS thousands, a steady stream of sub-tree learn Qibao wonderful divine. This is a surprising changing, more and more light up Dragon sacred tree, and metals and wonderful tree has been constantly dim. Although it looks small sacred tree for many years there is no change, but the speed of external forces to learn faster than when I do not know how many times. But an hour, metals and wonderful tree will be completely lost its luster discount ugg boots for women, while the Dragon hundreds of millions of small sacred tree is brilliant, more extraordinary. In the end, metals and wonderful tree even turned it into a length of branches discount uggs boots head of Heaven Man Chanyu, a little god no fluctuations, Xiao Chen gently blowing the breath uggs discounted, it even turned into ashes! This result is too shocked, Xiao Chen to feel weird. Sacred tree near the small hands of Guards! "Ee E, leaves myself " Ke-ke cried of joy, like a naughty child who, holding Baoshu another roll in the grass on the ground roll. Xiao Chen was surprised to find that even a small spit of a sacred tree purple buds, although the size of a grain of rice, however, it is full of vitality, the sixth film Purple leaf to appear out of shape. "This is I am afraid Bibaside ancient spear discounted uggs, bones of the dead king streamers also strong." Xiao Chen re-take over a small sacred tree, in his hands, gently waving, suddenly there is a road VERIS flow out. However, he found, as a weapon to use, seems a bit inappropriate. Ke-ke like to think of what, deep ~ waving to the garden of God, an ancient battle sword soar from. "To you " Little beast will fight sword handed Xiao Chen. "Twenty-four battle sword, with sword Qinglian days to four women, coupled with this to ugg discounts, has been born twenty-nine." Xiao Chen stroking sword fighting, sword fighting for another twenty, and that the "escape to the one ", if he did not think it is impossible to. But pay attention to this kind of thing fate discount ugg boots classic tall, even if not necessarily devoting himself to collect the whole set. In Paradise Lost in a good talk for a long time, then Xiao Chen of the happy little beast, said: "We go out and see." "Ah," little things blinked his big eyes full of Reiki, a furtive look, it comes in this is to fish in troubled waters, to the palace in which to gain something. Deep underground palace, Shasheng skies, and apparently did not compete for a real winner, which bursts through the wave of terror, not knowing the forbidden array is sent underground palace, or the kings of horrible energy fluctuations. Xiao Chen put away the sword fighting, said: "We separated, while pretending not to know, now is not the time to expose my identity " Beast nod, that he understands. "Do not go after the competition, just wait and see in the distance, static and other opportunities." "Ah, I understand." Nodded seriously small mammals, said: "Before I was such a pure spirit collection of the world, until the last minute does not do it." This quirky little guy to Xiao Chen dumbfounding. Just separate them, and flew to the depths of the underground palace, the entrance came a strong energy fluctuations. A young blonde, get it all in a Lightning in gold, the world turned, through the hair with a high of war, rushed into the underground palace, it is that gold Lion King. Obviously he found Ke-ke, through the issue of two eyes in a few-meter-long beam, staring small mammals, the situation in a fair duel, only Liangbai his life, gave him all Keke, small mammals He seemed a priori restraint. "Yellow plush you want to play? I fear you." Ke-ke tender voice. Gold Lion King there was a crazy feeling, but in the end they hold back, now is not the time fighting with small animals. He Leng Heng ugg discount outlets, flew toward the depths of the underground palace. Xiao Chen wanted to laugh, as strong as the Gold Lion King was surprised to be called as a yellow hairy little guy, it must be quite depressed silent. Underground palace seem self-contained piece of space, very broad. Battle over the bones of the dead land of kings, evil spirits soaring ugg boots discount ugg discount boots Come on, distant figure Chao Chao ugg boots discounted, kings all in the melee. This is not the king's seal land streamers, but everyone has started a life and death battle. Shura King a digital single battle the alien king, strength unfathomable. The God King is omitted. ?

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Lu Pu-wei in the park, is red in the face to see two old dispute an angle to the killing method. See while silently, Lu Pu-wei secret which will be clear, pick up a sunspot "pop!" To lay. Maogong suddenly stunned, and then they yell loudly: "Oh good! You always brother gallery gucci outlets locations, how to see this step? So that what is not obvious stupid move michael kors jennings!" Xuegong laughed: "You 'd see, only casually tinker too! "Mao Yi Gong public is hands:" Sir, this mode of marvelous! lady students in the name of God empty, ashamed! "Xuegong teased:" You bet it is born of God, but when God moves through it? "Lu Pu-wei said:" chess game fight, but temporary, the crucial road will be considered in the Mao overall public good, then this has nothing to do isometric to the overall situation, count only way in fighting, they had lost in the crude. Kabwe arithmetic can still michael kors calista satchel claws boundless, is to understand it, anything he indeed! "Three laughter, Xuegongbianhuan to her tea. Liangzhong drinking hot tea, Lu Pu-wei had to win a different people take God originally made it clear that in general, end, and said: "It does not seem big, but even homesickness had also I have sent more visits to the deacons who lead his son to do bosom of friendship, understanding and to be able to soothe the nerves. two public think? "Xue Gong said:" This will be good, with the singing, but also eliminates the need for public highbrow hair also. "gross public only old eyes staring silently shook his head. "Mao recognized that not the case?" Laughed Lu Pu-wei ask. "It is." Gross public a rare solemnly, "little old lady is every catastrophe, ignored such state of mind was you and so it is difficult to understand. Almost all adolescents experience changes, have two grown way: or if unrestrained old lady michael kors uptown astor, or to suppress efforts toward such as son rose gold michael kors watch, such as the old lady and other persons, vagrant game of life michael kors austin satchel, involving wanton indulgence evil vent shop gucci outlet online, over time, also came from the pain turned into a thick calluses, such as persons who son is different, indulge No, no one to turn to vent, the state of Yan Liang suffered died, but only tightly hold in their hearts, but the export attack michael kors wristlet, I'm afraid many disputes, not taking lightly also. " "Disputes? As what?" Lu Pu-wei quite at a loss, "meaning what the public hair?" "Hey, today it seems, sir, but it is also good at something and neglect to love." Gross public secretive smile, "First, young people leaving their families from this country, never platonic love comfort. Second, this person nearly standing, never had the joy of passion between men and women. Third, this person and have Clarion for the Sun-endowment, but never silent color pleasures Chung Ming Ding eat endure. All this, naturally the tip of a mind that can to Today, all in a 'very' word. if induced to dispose of properly, the heart is the river burst, torrents of hardly when, sir will come to naught also! " "You say then a really, how called improper disposal?" Xue Gong was an urgent inserted. "For example, if a woman were playing zither discount michael kors "Jade was clear, is much trouble." "Fantastic!" Xuegong a stroke the table, "Qin Zheng Cuhao grand, how women manage this thing?" "Hey," gross public secretive shook his head, "Nothing in the world, hard to say also." Suddenly between the Lu Pu-wei think of "God the gross public," the name. Though the name is called out gamblers, but the printing is circulating Handan all know the future of strange hair public rumors. At this point said, who said it was not supernatural Suozhi? Mind and this, Lu Pu-wei said: "If the woman, he taught with a different person, or his wife or concubine, son of peace of mind about something big also." "Hey, slow words have to say." Gross public but solemnly shook a huge bald, "If Mr. King is king to the son, he promised his wife Mo lightly.'s Wife who, queen, mother of the country also, the first-kun also, Gong Wei of the Lord. If the rift with her husband, future trouble is boundless. " "Overseas adventures also michael kors promotional code!" Lu Pu-wei can not help but laugh, "the wife of different people, etc. Could also concentric with me?" "Not with me, etc., is President." "Far far away." Xue Gong shook his hand, "as long as the President prepared under the heart, how is the woman? So there is a bosom friend, the son can be peace. Now a major event, or planning next important thing." "Is." Lu Pu-wei leisurely smile, "just two public plan, son of the nerves of the things I shall certainly be cautious. It was late, Kabwe have to look after the other end, to Japan and then moved into their new homes and two public linger." Having said would leave to go. ?

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Five light carriage vehicles and started the long treasure carts uggs for women on sale, rumbling resounds after entering the hero of the Soviet Union Village Square Boulevard. Light carriage vehicles arrived in the high word six-bay front door, then Su Wen "Wang bark" while barking, a big yellow dog with torn apart the chains apparently rushed out! Three servants cried with panic at the back chasing. "Stop!" Su suddenly heard shouting, light carriage vehicles not stop, will greet the brown dog jumped down and ran over. Rhubarb throat hum with the outcry rushed Su Lang Lang in front of an upright flew Su Qinhuai, the long tongue in the face of fierce Su licking. Su clinging rhubarb, like an oven that term tongue licking his face scraping the dust: "rhubarb, ah, you lost, old, take a look, have a white beard " suddenly, my heart passing rhubarb dangling rice wrapped in Yukino Zongyue of vigorous posture, Su can not help choking up, carefully remove to a thick chain rhubarb, rhubarb and pat the head, "rhubarb, ah ArticleTitle # # 1084, from today, no one dare to iron chain tied to you, rhubarb Su village is the site, you can be free, ah. "rhubarb listened motionless, a pair of big eyes faint glow clear out the two lines of tears, short-haired wet eyes, throat constantly producing a low whine. Hearts burst of heat Sidney Rice jersey, Su can not help but clutching the rhubarb. Suddenly, rhubarb broke free Su Qinhuai hold, "bark" called twice, grabs Su Shonai cloak to pull. Su laughed: "Ok minnesota vikings football jerseys, go with you." Strode along with rhubarb into Zhuangmen. An aim, between Su found that all the layout as usual, but had turned into a new house, can not help but sank. Rhubarb led Su twists and turns to the side of his father's small courtyard pool, squat door "bark Wang," called out three times, just listen to old house heard a weak cough, rhubarb call to jump into it. Into the dark of the big house, while deep breath blowing herbs. A young maid is burn furnace decoction, see Su came quickly stood up and salute: "I saw adults, slaves are decoction by side." Su surprised: "How do you know me?" Maid whispered: "Slaves of the original In the royal family, especially to be elected to serve Su Bo's. "Su mind to understand, whispered:" The old medication it? "maid silently shook his head uggs discount, gently sigh. Su no longer speak, softly into the bedroom. A bright Shadeng, the old man looking yellow couch lie, rhubarb crouched motionless in Taqian. "Father, Hideko back." Su kneeling in Taqian, in front of his father, Su is always surprisingly calm. Old father opened his eyes, quietly looking at his son's hair gray, crystal jade crown, gold embroidered cloak, as well as waist piece of raw light beaming six Indian gold belt. Gradually, the old man's eyes emit strange brilliance, cheeks to glow a faint magic flush. Shining eyes staring at old son: "Hideko, you will eventually succeed, the Soviet Union at home, but so, eventually changed the Kang Su Shihuan worthy ancestors of impermanence, look out for themselves " old man quietly closed his eyes forever . Su Qin Jingjing looked at his father Daoke general wrinkles slowly stretch, pale brown face filled with peace and nothingness, become calm and serene like a baby. The vicissitudes of the father died leaving traces of hardship, along with his father's life together, forever disappeared from. "Father, your heart Lishu Tan, go quiet, Hideko also nothing to be ashamed of." Su stood up, the father of the side covered with a big white cloth. Large Huang Renli up, whining growl repeatedly sniff for a while, the old master's body uggs for women on sale wrist flick, quietly crouched in Taqian no more. Three days later, Su simple solemnly buried his father. Selected their own cemetery is old before his death, the home ground in the Soviet Union following a hill, a small stream, a Song Bolin, it is in plain quiet. Su knew his father natures, Jian Zhi Zhou room declined to participate, and no obituary notice of the six countries, competing in a congregation of neighbors use the service, the calm after finishing a funeral like this. After this funeral, Su and his family agreed: Father righteous re-Utilitarian, not to Zhou mourning for three years; Su Li to be strenuously on behalf of the Soviet Union to study, support the ancestral sister brother and his wife, in order to Everbright. Surprisingly, half of the madness of Big Brother is literally not agree, keep crying father insists on three hills. Helpless sister, wiping away tears of Su said: "teach him go, he told his father to run around for decades, guarding his father he was at ease. Besides, he also useless, let him do for themselves to di it. " ?

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An unfinished, Yaoyao Yu Zheng and down. Li Si Kankan hold ugg discount, Gao has Fei step robbed, we have to hold up his hands a copy to the line rescue treatment Zheng. Zheng has made a sudden eyes: "No! Old lady to go check the drainage of water!" One speaks, people have arms stiffly to disentangle from Gao. Ying Zheng step came at this time, listening to Scott ordered the one that immediately shouted: "Little Gao, Sima king car!" He finished a Dunshen Zheng step will go on her own. Jiuchi bronze canopy king vehicles resounds four horses stopped coming Kankan, Ying Zheng arrived just a big step, without any explanation will help on a large Zheng car. Zheng young chamberlain held onto the car seat by appropriateness, Ying Zheng is the loud one: "the old order, you sit in the car listening to the water, but there are flaws, just knock canopy studs!" Zheng flushed repeatedly waving: "Qin Qin, greatly wrong, veteran can go " Ying Zheng laughed: "properly properly properly! old so even able to walk, have to ride today!" Yuehua Jian Li Si arrived, Ying Zheng rushed a wave: "I catch the head, a visiting check back channels." Scott has not had time to answer, the young king of the wind generally has to go. Scott smiled and shook his head, Zheng Wang a hand over the car's high channel: "the old to make his brother, the King of Qin drive head to go, you go first, I check behind their work with great drainage." Zheng Wang of oozes black and red face sweat, exploring water Tiechi Dangdang beat the car: "Good ugg australia discount code! old lady go first, he failed to head to drive a celebration!" a word placement, Sima Wang Lang Wow car start, slope out of the way immediately to catch the water were a public road. Up with a group of Red King walked quickly came to the young Li Yuan, Qin did not have the figure. Red king suddenly extremely anxious, apart from anything else flying to catch up step down. Drive head, is the King who is another ancient water Laoqin wind study. Cover the old Zu Boyi Qin tribe, together with the flood of the ancient hero Dayu ethnic groups, unsolicited on the "head" has a long admirer complex. At that time, Qin tribes long years of chaos in the world divert water between Sanshanwuyue. However, opening up new waterways, flood surging forward into the ocean waterways, head head swoop rewind waves splashing white waves stirred up dust clouds, a dragon roar soar in the canyon waterways. Qin cheering both sides chasing the head, straight is the biggest festival's flood control. This distant memory, and turned it into countless legends stories, circulating in all the Qin tribe. That is, or was Longxi steppe nomadic Gonggeng in the mountains, and occasionally a little too short open drains, drainage into the drain of the day ugg discount Qin told the book world, people must be out in force Laoqin chasing joy head constantly. Was founded in hundreds of years off, Qin digging few, count them on the nullah, and only when Baili Xi Qinmu Gong out of the Midwest in the relevant channel to which Barry, head of the grand celebration will be in time gradually fade out of people Laoqin wind study. Even so, turn on the water each spring piece Barry drainage, drainage, or a dense mass of people in pursuit of the head shore cheering, eat or drink has been tracked at the end. Now, this was covered with the blood of more than four Qin Jing water in the nullah, has become a truly towering natural drainage in the world. Once they turn on the water, how can people not to arouse Laoqin distant memory and learning style? In addition to their hometowns had to take care of qu shui into the field ahead of a long, almost everyone has left behind to catch the head. Laoqin people look forward to high-spirited leader of the FT of the elephant, can catch up with the head of the family to bring glorious years. The day before the ceremony, all the workers are cleaning up the barracks, to lay a burden borne to take advantage of clean and neat, ready to return home today to catch up with the head. When the huge peak Longkou Zhongshan open, clear water rolled Jing waves threw herself into the gourd mouth of canyon, long crowd began cheering by the headworks launched gradually run, unhurried, wave after wave stretching to the mountains outside , extended to the vast trunk. Head of one into the trunk ugg discount " In the crowd screams, head of the crowd there to catch all sorts of pleasure, laughter, clamor sound continuous. It Zheng drainage is more than four long years of long pipes, catch the head in fact has become a competitive leg muscles. Although there were numerous major watershed in the branch, trunk-head velocity is not too fast. What, then, after all, have to follow the steps people can catch up tight. Most people on both sides of the trunk, are arrived at their home garden to catch the head boundary, then return to the village to catch qu shui happy to go into the fields. Only benefit area non-volunteer county finely sculpted body and home in qu shui downstream finely sculpted body is to concentrate on a blog who long to catch the water. Warring States Period of the world-known soldiers, and Cheng Xingjun say it is, while chasing the head cheering, shouting Comment on the side of changing the leader. That is, physical strength, or those who, whistling great panting eat and drink sitting in the new soil drainage on land some rest, but also looking at diverse flow of people, patting thighs can be a voice yell was exhilaration. ?

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Xunzi scholarship, has always been informal an absorbing, or controversy ugg australia discount code, or the text has always been informative, because people never waste words. Master of Confucianism Confucius remarks ugg discount, quoted Xunzi is a lot, even in many cases will be no shortage of ancient sages Confucius and tied. Yili respected for his Legalist, Xunzi is truthfully refuted its shortcomings, never gratuitous maintenance. With these two pretext, a group opposed to the Confucian Xunzi also against opponents, he abruptly became a Confucian Xun Zi said. Over time actually Zhongkoushuojin, even knowing that Xunzi essence of the new law a group home Legalist celebrities, will become Xun Zi said, "Confucianism also has law." Is agreed with the many theory scholar Xunzi will also Xunzi as "Confucian teacher Chong Law." All in all, dreams of Xunzi actually being said abruptly became modeled after the Confucian, not legalism, but not the new law at home! If the only source of bias in the division ugg discount gently taking the bare slender, not to really care about Xunzi down. These claims often happens is the intention of distorting the doctrine of Xunzi, dying of the Confucian scholar who is carried away as a shield to Xunzi, they frequently say Xunzi "lead from Zhong Ni, Long benevolence, an exercise I learned after the master is also the Confucian ! " Xunzi calmly dished out the "Confucian effect" articles, like Paodingjieniu, Confucian calm and carefully made a special liquidation, and appropriately the greatest difference between himself and the Confucian outlined. "Confucianism effect" articles will be divided into the Suru Confucian scholar, Yaru, Daru three: Suru who, "with every light clothing (wearing Kuanpao beam with a wide belt), crab Ke its crown (wearing a crab-like intermediate high and low sides crested), slightly chaotic method kings and foot (superficial to yell kings of the old rhetoric some method to random people), learn complex surgery wrong, I do not know, after the king and a system of law also! "elegant scholar," Long etiquette to kill poetry and literature, that economic laws can not teach the less, the arrival of the smell, you know not like also. framed within not from outside the non-self-deception, fear of law and not lazy Zunsian proud. "great scholar" Law kings, ritual system, a system to hold this ancient, Gou virtue and the like also, although not in the birds being black if white! "three Confucian scholar, Suru pretentious, vain chaotic evil; Yaru learning insufficient to cover the method to teach, but actually just a group of honest people; Daru, which is the Confucian master figure, it is entirely for the political doctrine of "law kings" same old, is also mixed in among the black and white birds can be identified! And Daru's "Law kings," compared to Xunzi repeatedly for his political ideas - "Law for the king, a system, Fuji, after King! One hundred, says that less than after the king, not to listen too!" This Xunzi in the most simple way to the flourishing world: kings of Confucian Law (follow the old system), their method after the king (to follow the trend of political reform when the world), Xun Kuang and Confucius are the Confucian utterly different! Since then, Xunzi Cheng of the world Shihlin loner. Later, Xunzi from wandering to the Qin Zhao, wandering to and from the Qin Chu, Lan Ling finally rooted in the foundation. It was after World War II in the Qin Zhao Changping, Xinling Jun guest in Handan, and Pingyuan Handan were invited to create science Palace Xunzi stay. Xunzi the six countries who have been deeply disappointed with the wind, then again to politely refuse the. Xinling Jun's life more by suspicion slander, for Xunzi mind deeply appreciate, not only not persuaded, and have actually put themselves in the Xunzi dollars, will recommend to the Chunshenjun Xunzi solemnly. Statement by the Xinling Jun, the vast Chu ugg discount "Do not be afraid, who has hidden Monash wind, not strongman Chunshenjun elegance King Yin meaning, so it is Xunzi master Wanjing educating people of the land. Xunzi vicissitudes, Xinling Jun said deep their preference, they immediately south of the. Government and the public the right to dump into the Ying Du Chunshenjun personally Jiaoying Xunzi. Welcome home after Chuaichaxutan Jie Feng, Chunshenjun asked Xunzi efforts toward the officer in school? Xunzi leisurely smiles: "night school and educating people, but did find one landscape study hall, they die can be also!" Chunshenjun surprise, thought a moment said: "Oh yeah, I recommend Mr. Chu has been on Qing, which is what to do? "Xunzi generously laughed:" There is more for those who carry on the Qing! for the old lady who, after all, one ear! Jun is also appropriate since. "Chunshenjun laughed:" Oh Yeah is it! on Qing Chu has three, all of them vanity Paul meters it! had also wanted to hang on, Mr. Qing, Ying Du, live the good news! "Chunshenjun ponder while smiling and said:" Mr. Wen today words, it is dirty where the temples official. do not say, only to Mr. Huang Xie is a good place! " ?

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Even though Kezu, although success has taken the final step, I am afraid it is not the enemy, after he became king Shiren the time was too short. The three ancestor called outsider really matchless invincible, directly onto the ninety seventh residue broken stone steps, sustains a glance at the stone in front of the square. Mouth constantly mutter prayers, and ultimately that actually appear on Shimen eyes ugg discount, no pupil, through the hair with bright light, the surrounding blanket of darkness crest ugg australia discount code, only a pair of eye shot glaring exception brilliance, it is extremely branching off and mysterious. It is through the walls, mapping out a pair of eye! Ancestor of the three outsider, becomes all the more confident. Residual vibration stone steps, 90 steps to reproduce the seventh stone, like a mysterious force, make it grow back out. King standing on the top three, rolling to the Kings This is a world-shaking war, no one knows the specific outcome of the war, heaven only know of a giant fallen in Kyushu, while the ninety seventh stone step, the heavy fall into the outsider. War in which several giant, return to heaven after a word about the battle that day, but they are looking for something in the dark. Until eight years later, the gods of heaven, gradually heard, there are giants in the dark secrets behind the search to trace all of heaven and life with. Many are considered absurd legends, there are giants to secretly investigate, they seem to search for historical truth. It seems to collect heavy line element, you want to find something. Later, almost all the giants in heaven are in action, the gods felt something unusual. "You know, there are more distant heaven with a glorious past, the present king that they are exploring this secret, what you want" Yes, I have heard, eight hundred years ago, their lower bound, it seems to find anything. "" According to legend, heaven has several sites, built with treasures, they probe the history of the legend, which will not want to find that several sites in the heavy treasure, right? "" Wrong, they want to find a broader world. "" ~ Section dusty years, a world shrouded in mystery, that is the reason why their probe. "Talking about the gods of heaven, the king who wants to know what in the search, many people have their own different opinions. Time flies, time and all, flashed two thousand years has passed from the previous years in that war, two thousand eight hundred years have passed, and which had so many things. However, all this has nothing to do with Xiao Chen. Two thousand eight hundred years ago, he and Ke Zu Wang, who was sent to heaven after dawn, try to open the stone door key muscle Shimen, but failed, there is no key hole, nor from the start. Since then, the crowd were in heaven, he has been in retreat now, just awoke over. This years, the king of heaven who has been exploring the history of popular legend, there are a lot of speculation, the spread between the gods. "We know heaven is just the tip of the iceberg," two thousand eight hundred years later, as the former one of the parties ugg australia discount code lonely said, giant stone dead heaven finally loose-lipped, to say that word. Mining history, looking at the remnants of the past years in the hidden clues, they really want to do? Xiao Chen retreat two thousand eight hundred years, re-awoke came after the retreat of the fluctuations found in several imprinted, it is the father Keke and others left behind. After reading ugg discount you look for your mother. " "Yes, Xiao Chen decided to return to Kyushu, temporarily left the heavens. Two thousand eight hundred years later, come back Kyushu, while Chen Xiao Long indistinct. Eyes can see, the vibrant, green Yue Jiang, Yuanti Tigers, and he left, looks depressed silence, completely non-Division, which is a breath of pure land full of life. Just do not know this piece of land, which replaced a biological call the shots will be more than "ah, that's a dragon!" At this point, Xiao Chen suddenly found a dragon, he was quick to recover the past, but then they just live the pace, because he saw a figure on the horizon in the rock, there are looming city. ?

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