Xiao Yan nodded, glanced at the slight trembling of the soul iron law enforcement, and soon a light: "I hope you say is true, or that time if not the place to find your fate, I am afraid that good to go." "You want me jailed?" heard this, iron is a change in law enforcement face, shouted. "Is this also let you fail?" Xiao Yan sneer, wait for the iron law enforcement satire, waved his hand out of a certain attraction is the storm Chung, Yu Ping once again he brought into being, then invisible flame perfusion and into the seal of the Yuping, we also constantly permeated with high temperature, so that law enforcement was one of the iron status of the soul is always injured. Re-seal the iron law enforcement, Xiao Yan is Qingtu breath, soon looking a little bit solemn, from the iron law enforcement said, he was able to see some of the soul of the house this monster iceberg _ angle discount ugg boots, even in this small corner of the He also has made it quite shocking, even the old drugs are indeed the fear of endless terrorist forces ah. "" How do you intend? "Medusa slowly asked. "First it went to black angular domain, looking for - different fire and also the soul of the house to do some research discount ugg boots but I first encountered, according to the iron law enforcement so that the strength in me now, do not pose any threat to the soul of the house, so." or as soon as possible to enhance the strength of the ah. "Xiao Yan sigh a sigh, muttering loudly, immediately waved and said." You will pick up something good tomorrow, then rushed to leave the black angular domain! "
Seven hundred and eightieth VI went to black angular domain The following morning, the day outside the city of a drug on top of mountains, a few shadows Shanlue standing. Under the gaze of the foot that huge city, Xiao Yan Qing Tu breath, migraine facing side of the small medical cents softly: "All intend to follow me?" "Ah, were also explained in what form is completed, and, even when I come back to what really occurred, it does not matter discount ugg boots only a desperate stroke, I can set up a drug case, naturally, can set up the second time." Fairy does not care a small medical the road, had set up drug cases, only a whim, I really want to say it, the hard work of it to pay, as Xiao Yan of Yan natural alliance like that. Upon seeing this, Xiao Yan is also not. Say, the eyes look Medusa, Chen Sheng said: "Go Union, to please you." "As long as I am alive, inflammation Union will not fall." Medusa gently nodded, but added quite strong words . "If I can not come back within two years, then I will let the" day of blood, soul melt Dan "served in your hands." Glamorous looking at the face goes fine, Xiao Yan mind a little bit touched, indeed Medusa ting him too much. "The best is that you personally come back." Medusa emblem eyelids down, low annual road. Xiao Yan Yi Zheng, immediately surface touch of soft lips smile, slowly approached - step, hesitated a little, stretched out his arms, gently hold a bit of Medusa. Arm to just touch Xie Medusa, which the body is suddenly Bengzhi up, and that ice on the cheek, the crimson light moving touch surface, but it turned out to be not dodge off. Light arms that hold a bit soft Jiaoqu, Xiao Yan is loose off, facing Medusa whispered: "Take care." "You. Are careful, if can not afford to meet to resolve the trouble, they informed me that no matter where you are, I would drive past." Medusa white teeth nibble the lips, the sound is abnormal low, this appearance in The killing of even bat an eye queen snake family who can really be a very rare. Research side of the purple, they looked bored, could not help but rolled eyed, not that leave it for some time, actually made such a life to death. Research also seems to feel the side of the purple that looked down, Xiao Yan once again facing the Medusa whispered one, is slowly back, shoulders a Hao, green wing is extended out of the fire, the last wing of a fire vibration, stature quickly launch finally is not procrastination, physique of a turn, is facing the sky at the edge of storm swept away. "Color Rays sister, take care garrulous, so next time come back to see you." Purple Medusa Research waved hands in front, petite body jumped, but also off into the sky, and finally facing the front of the chasing away of Xiao Yan < / p> ?

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