"Boom" The two collided, the terrible destruction of the storm, suddenly one person, one mine to the center, overwhelming sweep and open space in this piece of heaven and earth, like broken glass in general, crackling explosion is open , not far from the Designate these odd to be on the first piece of colorful Danlei, but also directly by this terrible storm is instantly torn into a nothingness. And looked at all of a sudden the sky is empty, waiting these odd looking, but also become very exciting again. [W w w. Bxwx b o o k. C o m]
1420th eight chapters Nine Boldenone 1420th eight chapters Nine Boldenone "Rumble!" The sky above the terrible energy crisis raging madness, the space within a radius of little knowledge, are at this moment into the dark, where the space is the kind of terror on the touch in the next, give all collapse! Looking at the dark sky of space, most people are looking some changes, even if they live so many years discount ugg boots, that kind of level of touch, is still rarely seen, no one knows if it was the kind of energy crisis volume, then, with their strength, but I am afraid that supports two rates of time, would be even souls are broken in one jump. "I dare Xiao Yan Lei Ying Kang and Dark." Several of the elders to see the stone platform this scene, but also could not help but stunned muttered. "It was a star Xiao Yan San initial strength" to cope with a Dark mine discount ugg boots the flame of the burning, then, not that much of a problem. "Elders dressed in Mai glanced at the big sky, the light:" The Dark Ray, the number is less than eight items Danlei, but the power is of great terror, which has just hit discount ugg boots probably soon, even semi-saint is also strong not free to take over. " "One star holy?" Hear the words "six elders of the side of the heart are all slightly startled," even though they already expected, but in a large Presbyterian hear confirmation, my heart still can not help some of the shock, they practice so many years, this finally achieve the level of semi-sacred, and that Xiao Yan, actually it is able in this age, is beyond them, really is to get people not against. "It seems that this selection is that Xiao Yan to win, ah," an elder sigh and said: "In this way, then the League of things, I am afraid is to take advantage of them." "Union is certainly contrary to the Danta rules, but if necessary, necessary things," the soul of Hall potential strong, but then there is a soul in the family, Danta want to survive, looking for allies, it is in a feasible solution. "Big elders silent a moment, said. "Tower tower rules regulations, only the tower regulations, even if the tower is gone, talk about rules?" Hear some of the great elders loose the meaning of words, others as the one "only slowly nodded. The sky above the raging energy crisis "in the last ten minutes later, finally dissipated slowly away, and along with the storm dissipated, this piece of collapse of the space, but also the gradual self-repair is completed, the warm sun again poured down from the sky, shining in this hilltop above. With the storm dissipated, a road look "is instantly turned to the sky, I saw was there, a younger figure standing Ta previously that the energy crisis and other terrorist, actually not hurt obtaining nothing. The sky, the storm induced dispersed TV drama, Xiao Yan tight body is slowly relaxed, shook his fist "a feeling of numbness from the fist of the upload of the opening to" the power of Dark Ray, also some his surprise, came from just the contact, Xiao Yanming white, if not overwhelmed by the strength he reached the holy struggle, I am afraid the end, no more than five days demon puppet that is good to go there. "This is Nine attracted Dan Lei Bao Dan, what are, really powerful." Xiao Yan a cry in the hearts of praise, but this Dark Mines Although alarming, but apparently in small quantities, so that a black thunder after injection, the thick dark clouds on the sky is dissipated sailed away. ?

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