Rensi Long silence for a while. She said: "But you have children's birthday, wedding anniversary, Father's Day, New Year, Dragon Boat Festival sale uggs boots kids, both parents of dating, is not it? My life is a pale, such as the fog that night, vast without a trace, a white, display to the eternal. " "Si Long!" Meijuan smile, "Hello to participate in the creative team, and your life better be pale!" I was very shocked. She has no reason to lie? Rensi Long laughed: "To be honest to tell you, I try to work it this way, is nothing more than to pass the time at my age, so the total head in which a man can not be called to date me? Too unreliable." Meijuan like to hear the best joke, laugh overturned. Ren also laughed, her with one hand holding the glass, the other hand insisted on the neck, show divergence down, shining glossy black light. She really is a beautiful woman does, but her laughter without joy in this. Her eyes have the soul only in the file table. Meijuan said: "But Silong, I still have to go on your home, how, Bo Fumu hospitality it?" Rensi Long only a smile, "my parents away from Hong Kong, I lived." "Of course kids uggs sale usa!" Meijuan said, "so modern people like you, how to live together with elderly people, How can I did not expect." See the two women became familiar, the most surprising thing really, they actually have dialogue, gradually draw away from the exchange of the two sides that is novel experience of life. Rensi Long is mobile, such as a water. Tenderness water. I almost stood up, the beauty of water. However, I control their own inertia. I sat motionless. Meijuan asked: "Si Long, making a lot of money is kind of feeling? When people are chasing you call 'as manager', are you happy?" Meijuan excitedly, "tell me?" "It's boring." Rensi Long answer, "Of course you read that the Ministry is called" turning point "of the film, not a good movie, you read will understand." Meijuan said: "I do not have time to see the film." She says, "family busy." Nonsense, Meijuan, nonsense! You always have time to mahjong playing. I laugh. Meijuan stare at me, "What are you laughing? Famous you are always silly in silly!" I still laugh, tilt the head. Rensi Long sigh, said: "You do not see the movie, some say that family is busy, but no one will forgive me, because I have no family. Told me that the kids call you mom, her husband praise you, feel?" "Si Long," Meijuan stunned, "Are you crazy? You know, Hong Kong chocolate brown uggs for sale, it is only up and down a Rensi Long, a housewife like me I'm afraid there are six hundred thousand." "But you happy." Rensi Long asked uggs womens shoes sale, "Do you really happy, is not it?" Meijuan think: "Yes, I am very happy." Oh Meijuan. I am suddenly happy. What praise than this good? After ten years of marriage, my wife to admit she is happy. "Si Long, Do not you happy?" Meijuan asked. Silong smile, "you ask me the mysteries of the universe, maybe still relatively easy to answer point." Meijuan shook his head, "I do not know, Si Long famous as you say, very simple question to complicate your mouth immediately up uggs discount sale, I do not understand. " "You are young to get married?" Si Long asked. "Eighteen-year-old." Meijuan not coy, "has not graduated from high school, I was not reading the material, left over three days of class, the English can not be said now, think of it very ashamed, very young, not wanting to move." But the United States sound and did not Kuiyi dependents. Si Long said, "what's the use college students? You ask Shi fame, his men how many students? Each send three thousand, beck and call, marching orders to go and ask them to write is to face them, tell them to stop the dead, they did not dare sit dead. " Meijuan asked: "Really? Fame, really?" "Man's fate has nothing to do with knowledge." Rensi Long Fangxiajiubei, this time the conversation ended. Meijuan end there, "but Silong lady, you are different ..." "People have different? Boss called me round, I can not flat, he called me long, I can not short-I had to eat tomorrow."

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