Mimi to take off handbags and coats. "What do you do?" "Buy plane ticket back to Hong Kong." "I do not go back. No one accident bailey button uggs sale chocolate, hesitant, why I go back?" "It was wrong." Mimi said, "I have a feeling they greatly wrong." "Who is wrong?" "Go back to know." "I do not go back, dead people do not my thing." I swear. Mimi silent. I said: "Well, this is not the quarrels, I go with you, but I just prepared to start a new life -" Mimi looked up and asked: "Your old life at?" Tone unusual bitterness. I hug a hug to her shoulders, "we go together." We re-booked tickets contact with Mrs. Huang, and she at the other end crying. I think something very wrong, chug heart jump. Mrs. Huang Taishan is the kind of collapse in the former and not move in the color of the characters, even if Jimmy Wong was having an affair to her hit, she only nodded and said "hello" if she's feeling so much change, no small thing . I feel nausea on the plane, could not eat, fall with a heart like lead. Mimi, too, the two of us four hands cold. 24-hour flight is not easy to spend. I said: "I only have the big brother, ..." on and off. Mimi does not say anything. "If there is anything big brother -" I could not go. I hand holding head, all the way to not sleep, his eyes take Venus chaos, the more close to Hong Kong, the more there is an ominous feeling. Finally to the airport uggs mens shoes sale, we do not baggage, stride out to see Jimmy Wong stood two couples being smart lounge. My heart almost jumped out from the chest cavity. I sternly asked: "My brother do?" Mrs. Huang said: "You have to calm -" "Where is he?" I asked Mrs. Huang seize said, "You said he was fine, nothing you say he's -" Jimmy Wong yelled testily cheap uggs sale real, "You Hold your horses, OK? Never see you calm too, more than 30 years of age, and is not never read the book, cried a little thing called bailey button uggs sale!" "Zhenhua -" Mrs. Huang dissuade him. Mimi stopped me, "ready, yellow wife, no matter what the bad news, you speak fast." "Family-man, your brother is sick, he can only live for three months." Jimmy Wong said. Mimi back three steps, hit me, "No!" I speak, are the body's blood rushed to his head up, not stand unstable, ears "buzzing" sound. Across a long, long time, I step forward, the pace of floating. I heard myself asking: "Brother, sick? Only live for three months?" Mrs. Huang dropped a tear, "is true." "What disease? How little I do not know?" My legs felt weak. "He did not tell you that he has not told you." Mrs. Huang said, "Now everyone knows, but Rose simply wanted to marry him." "Where is Big Brother?" I warble asked. "Home." Jimmy Wong said. "Rose?" I said. "In our home." Jimmy Wong said. Mimi said: "We go back and say, go." Sitting in the car, I Chunjiao Shezao, think of all the frustrated brother's actions, all of a sudden I understood. He had known he was sick. But he did not told me that he only told me to quickly marry the son of eight or ten, he had confessed. I will head on the arms, the tears. Sobbed Mrs. Huang said: "Cancer is something in the end, for no reason people take away the lives of our loved ones?" Jimmy Wong murmured: "Now we want to save the two people, rose and home tomorrow." I also have Mimi despite suspicious, heartbreak and asked: "how a rose?" "In any case going to marry her home that she has a small rose back to square co-text, the text has been with her square co-divorced, with her daughter to go back to the United States." I stared asked: "She went so far away from the small roses for the brother?" "Yes cheap uggs for sale online, but the family refused to marry her tomorrow," Mrs Wong says, "that just want to see you, but you and Mimi left the Hong Kong, we simply have lost trace of you both, until you come to a letter before get the address. "Mrs. Huang tired stand upright," You come back just fine, family-man, I have one week of fever and now a doctor one day to our house to two or three times. "

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